Friday, September 12, 2008

Ironman Wisconsin Pictures-Part 2 Run-Finish Line

I worked a water station with some Army National Guard members. Here I am with my new friends Nic and Chris. Nic will be doing the Ironman next year. Nic and Chris in action. #3 1st place male Chris McDonald 1st place female-Hilary Biscay Everyone was commenting on Hilary's gait, so I got a picture of it. She would kick her leg out. When she was running across the finish line it was much more pronounced. And just a word to the lady across the street from me at the water station. You thought it was ok to make fun of the athletes out there, as soon as they passed you, including how Hilary Biscay runs. I'd like to see you do an Ironman. Heck, I'd like to see you do a sprint, honey. Are you perfect? Nobody is, but at least they are out there trying. You really got on my last nerve. And if I'm out there someday and I hear you making fun of me I'll take that Gatorade from you, but it won't be to drink. You'll be wearing it. Next time think twice before making fun of someone else. For those of you who know me, this is not like me at all, but this lady made fun of at least 8 athletes that I heard. I did say something to her when she made fun of Hilary, but it didn't matter. I just had to vent. Here I am at the water station. I think this picture is funny cause I was about to leave and all the sudden I reallized I didn't have a picture of myself, so I have my bag over my shoulder and am so posing. Too funny! I headed to the finish line to watch the pros come in before my shift at the finish line. I arrived right as the 1st place male crossed the finish line. Here is the 2nd place male #16. What is cool about him is that I got to body mark him. You know that is why he did so well. :-) Here is the first place age grouper coming in. He came in at 9 hours and 6 minutes and 56 seconds. I got to meet his family on the bus ride back from the biking loop. When I saw him on the bike he was winning the race. He came in 8th overall. Here comes Hilary Biscay down the home stretch. I'm so glad I got to see her finish. I was rooting for her all day. She got passed on the run, but came back in mile 25 to finish it. Go Hilary. This camera man hopped of a motorcycle to film something and I thought he looked funny like out of a space movie of soemthing. This is the first picture I took after starting my shift at the finish line. I wore my camera around my neck for my whole 6 hour shift so I wouldn't miss a thing. This is my new friend MichaelHennessey. He was the one running in the cowboy hat. This was his 13th Ironman this year. He is on his way to breaking the Guiness World Record of 14. He is a father of 6 kids all 8 and under. He is doing this to raise awareness for kids who are born with Trisomy 13 and 18. Most of you have heard of Trisomy 21 aka Down Syndrome. Most people including myself have not heard of Trisomy 13 and 18. These are children who are born with an extra 13th or 18th chromosone. Most parents are encouraged to abort their child before they are ever born. Michael and those parents of these children are trying to raise awareness so that parents have more choices. From what I have read most of the children born with trisomy 13 and 18 do not live past their 1st birthday, but their families say that this child has taught them more about life in their short lives than anything else ever could have. If you would like more information about Michael's cause check out his website at He also has links there so you can find out more about these precious children and their wonderful families. I had the priviledge of giving my friend Chris his medal. Chris aka Clyde (check out his blog The Clyde on my list of blogs I read) I am so proud of you and am so happy I had the honor of medaling you. You did awesome. Here is Chris' first picture as an Ironman. Great job out there. I made some great friends while volunteering. Here is my buddy Ken and Katherine. Here are a couple of cheeseheads. The person who gave her her medal tried to put it on over the cheesehead. :-) Here is Ken in action. Way to go Ken. Here is the oldest man to finish the Ironman. He was 74. Ken and his babes. Actually they were friends from his tri club. Next year Ken will be doing the Ironman and I cannot wait to see him at the finish line.

Check out this video. She was dancing to YMCA across the finish line. FUN!!
Getting down to the last 20 minutes of the race. Watching the clock tick down. Will the last athlete make it? I had the honor of putting the medal on the last athlete. Here name is Caroline Schnog and she finished it in 16 hours 59 minutes and 56 seconds. She finished with 4 seconds to spare. The cutoff is 17 hours no exceptions. I am so happy she made it. My friend Chris came back to watch the last athletes and he said with 14 seconds to go she was worrying about getting her kids so that they could run across the finish line with her. Chris said he was SCREAMING, "JUST RUN. JUST RUN." Her daughter was able to cross the finish line with her. :-) Caroline's daughter, I'm so proud of your Mom. She rocks!! It was important for me to put on her medal as I am usually last at my events and I wanted to personally congratulate her because I am so inspired by her that she never gave up even when I'm sure she wanted to. I will remember her when I am struggling at my future events. Way to go Caroline. You rocked it and you, my friend, are an IRONMAN!! The race is over. As you can see the clock says 17 hours 1 minute. They were already tearing down the finish line. Good Night Madison. Good Night Ironman. I'll see you all next year.


Anonymous said...

ive done something here to have you a few cents!

Anonymous said...

well its nice to know that you have great hits here.

Anonymous said...

very cool.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

yeah! its much better,

Anonymous said...

thats amazing story.

Anonymous said...

wow, very special, i like it.

M said...

AWESOME PICS!!! Love them all!

The (IRON) Clyde said...

You get me the name and number of the woman that was making fun of my girl Hilary......

On a serious note, that's really shady that a VOLUNTEER would make fun of the athletes they were just helping out. I'm surprised no one said anything to her that was working on that side of the street with her.

Anonymous said...

What's with all the comment #s 1 - 7? Anyways, I love the pics. By the way, I noticed Hilary's leg kicked out to the side and immediately thought - there's something wrong there. Then you mentioned the horrific lady across the street and realized that was the awesome athlete you told me about. UGH. Some people!
Great pics (as always). Isn't Madison pretty at night?
Ok, I'll talk to you later. The flood waters are receding and if my car starts tomorrow then I have to get to work. dang it.

Go Mom Go said...

I want to work with Michael Hennessey too. Especially now that my family is affected by the trisomy 13. I have contacted him and he says he needs prayers and a rich benefactor. I told him I could pray. :)

I have been brain storming...

Thank you for the prayers as well, and the very kind comments.


Anonymous said...

Your part 1 & part 2 pictures made me tear up. IM Wisconsin was my first in 2006 - the rainy year. I will always have a special place in my heart for that race.

Thank you for putting so much time in to volunteer. And how freakin' cool is it that the last lady made it by 4 seconds!!! That is just awesome.