Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Very Content

Today I feel very content.
I feel very happy with my life.
I feel satisfied.
I have no worries.

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24


fitncrafty said...

Nothing is better than days like this...
Love that Panda!!

Melissa said...

You silly it's a Koala. :-)

fitncrafty said...

LMBO... My daughter was running around with her panda that she was taking to show and tell.. silly me!! It is a cute koala!!
glad that I could ammuse you!! :)

Sara said...

That is a very cute koala and a great passage. I'm glad you had such a wonderful day :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck this weekend. I know that you can do it and I know that you can meet your goals......Reagan's dad, Dan.