Sunday, January 01, 2006

After Golf Dinner

After we went golfing we went out for Mexican. We went to an awesome place called Las Palmas. They had a two man band going from table to table singing. When they came to our table the kids requested Feliz Navidad. They were incredible guitar players and made it really fun for the kids.
Here is Katie and the kids. Katie is their adopted Big Sister and she loves that as she is an only child, so she hangs out with us and gets her kid kicks. Then she remembers why she loves being an only child. :-) She has taught the kids about personal space by telling them that they are in her bubble.
Katie took this picture of Keith and me. AWWWW, aren't we cute?

I brought New Year's Eve cups to dinner where we made a toast. Here's to a wonderful New Year!! Cheers!!

1 comment:

Rainbow said...

Adorable. Cheers to you and Happy New Year.