Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'd like to buy a vowel, please!

Keith and I are on our way out of town tomorrow morning at 4:45am. We are catching a plane to Southern California. We are going to a taping of Wheel of Fortune. 25 years ago in December of 1981 my husband was on Wheel of Fortune for Teen Week. He won a pair of scissors and pie filling as his prizes for being on the show. What makes this an exciting show is that it was Pat Sajak's first show ever. Vanna White was not even on the show yet.

Keith will not be on the show as a contestant this time, but he will be part of a clip show that is celebrating Pat's 25th year on the show. I will tell you all when it will be on the air, so you can TIVO it.

Enjoy the picture below and try and figure out which one is Keith.

For a recap of the show that Keith was on you can visit

While we are there we will get to see family and friends as we both grew up in Southern California. Keith's sister, Heather and her husband, Kevin will be coming to the taping and we will be staying with my Aunt Linda and Uncle Wilson and I'll get to see childhood friends. We are only going until Saturday.

I'll try and take pictures of the experience and of Pat and Vanna. I'll blog when I can and let you know all about it. We are very excited and look forward to our time together. We are going without the kids, so please pray for safe travels and that they will have a good time with their babysitters. They will be at different sitters due to the fact that they attend different schools about a half hour away from each other. Tricia is fine with us going. She always has been. You know how kids cry at pre-school when their parents leave. Tricia never did in fact she would say, "MOM, leave. You can go now. Stop crying." Parker rarely cried, but he was a little more clingy and he still is. He is having a harder time with us going. At least it's not a long trip. Please pray for us all as we are apart.

I'm off to LaLa Land. Be back in blogland soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey if anyone reads this blog - Melissa was having problems with the pictures, so just copy and paste the link and scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see Keith. Hehehe.

Melissa, you're too funny.

IronWaddler said...

Have a great time.

Peter said...

Cool story!

Go Mom Go said...

Have a great time, we love Wheel of Fortune at my house. Sounds like a great trip.


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