Sunday, July 19, 2009


I had an awesome week on Weight Watchers. I ate really well, tracked everything I ate, got lots of fruits and veggies in, drank all my water, and just really did a great job. I was not able to work out due to my schedule, but none the less had a great weigh in today. I'm very happy to say that I lost 2.8 pounds. I have been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for the last couple months. The good news with that is that I never went below my 40 pounds lost mark, so I am almost back to my 45 pounds lost mark. I feel good about how I have gotten back to it and know that I will be successful again. I set short goals for myself and my next goal is 50 pounds lost. I am hoping to reach that by August 8th. My week to week goal in my mind, to help make the big picture smaller, is to just lose a pound of week. My great WW leader Kirk told me to do that. He said anyone can lose a pound in a week, so if you just focus on that one pound you can do it and it's a bonus when you lose more. It really helped me. Thanks for all your support and encouragement all the way.

Todays weight: 263

Next goal: 256.3 That will put me at 50 pounds lost total. I'm also very excited about this next milestone because I will be in the 250's. It's been awhile since I've seen that on the scale.


RW said...

I just found your blog via Duane. It is really encouraging to find others out there that are "plus-sized" triathletes. I am sitting at about 320 right now and can use all the support I can get!

Unknown said...

You can do it, Melissa! You have such a positive attitude. Good luck this week!

RW said...

Congrats on your progress so far!I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog. I actually have completed a triathlon before. It was two years ago and then life got really rough and I fell of the bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

Congrats for getting back on track Melissa! You are doing awesome! I started this diet with my sister. She has been on it a couple months and has lost 20lbs and 51inches (all over the body). It is called Thin & Healthy Solutions through the gym! I swtiched my membership over to her gym and i worked out both days this weekend for 2 hours! I always read your blog to keep me going! Thanks