Thursday, May 22, 2008

Please pray for Steven Curtis Chapman's family today!

Steven Curtis Chapman is a Christian Music artist who lost his 5 year old daughter yesterday. They live in a rural area in Tennesee and have a long winding driveway. Her brother was backing out of the driveway in an SUV and killed his little sister. She was the youngest of 6 children. She was the third daughter that the Chapmans brought home from China. They are big advocates of International adoption.

Please pray for the whole family, but especially her teenage brother. I cannot imagine what he is going through. This happened Wednesday around 5:30pm.

I don't know what else to write. I'm so sad. Whenever I hear about these accidents I get so sad. Please, please, please make sure that your driveway and street are clear of any children before pulling out. These accidents can even happen with the rearview cameras, naviagion systems, and rearview sounding systems. Just because you have these systems does mean these accidents won't happen. I found a statistic online that states:

"One third of children under six killed in motor vehicle accidents were killed ‘off road’ in yards, parking lots and driveways. Children aged one and two are most likely to be killed or injured in home driveways. The vehicle is usually moving slowly and is often being driven by a parent, relative or friend."

If you would like to read more on this tragic story you can read this link:

Have a blessed day. Hug your little ones a little longer today.

Maria is sitting on her daddy's lap in the picture. She is the one that passed away.


Cheryl said...

Thanks for posting about this. I had not heard about it. What a tragedy. My heart goes out to the family, and especially to the brother. He must be devastated.

IronWaddler said...

My prayers to the family

ShesAlwaysWrite said...

My heart goes out to them, I can't imagine what that must be like.

I'm terrified of something like this happening here; we're on the corner and our neighborhood kids use our driveway as the general turnaround spot before going back down the block. I can't even always see a car behind me the van is up so high, and I am scared to death a child could slip behind me no matter how many times I look.