Sunday, August 31, 2008

Auditions are done and so is my Weigh-in

Parker did a great job auditioning on Friday night. He made mommy so proud. He sung his heart out and then went and learned a dance and rocked it. He was very nervous and even told me at one point he had flutters in his stomach. :-)

They just posted the cast list about 5 minutes ago. Parker was cast as a Gosling and as the voice of a baby spider.

The opening night is October 24 and the show will run for two weekends. They will be doing two days of school shows, so that should be fun. He actually gets out of school that day. :-) He's happy about that. If you would like to see him in his first major theatrical debut you can buy tickets at or you can email me and I can get you tickets. October 25th is the family show where tickets are discounted. Just let me know.

This year they will be reading Charlotte's Web in school, so he is very excited to be in the play.

We prayed about this audition and talked about how God would put him in the exact role that was meant for him. He just wanted to make it and is very happy. There were kids from age 8 all the way to 18 trying out, so he knew that he probably wouldn't get a lead. He has a great attitude about it.

I will keep you posted.

In other news, I weighed in at Weight Watchers yesterday and lost 2.2 pounds bringing my weight loss back up to 14.8. Feels good to be losing again. :-) I also went to the gym for the first time in about 9 weeks. I finished my physical therapy on Thursday. I have not had to wear my boot and so the first chance I had I was back in the gym. It's amazing what 9 weeks out of comission can do to a persons body. I did an hour of cardio and did pretty well, but could tell I'm out of shape. I cannot wait to get back on my bike now. I"m going for a ride today or tomorrow. I'm taking it pretty easy this first week to make sure I do not reinjure my leg.

Gotta run for now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Way to go Parker! Have fun in the play! That is awesome!

Melissa that is azwesome about more weight lost. keep up the great work.