Sunday, November 09, 2008

Meeting with my coach

Some of you have been asking how my meeting went with my coach yesterday. It was hard. I really like him and will have HUGE success, but I left there feeling sad, frustrated, overwhelmed, but mostly hopeful. I was sad because of some things that were brought up that I hadn't thought about in awhile. I was frustrated by what I have become, how I have stayed like this for so long, and how I have had excuses for years and not even realized it until I was challenged. I was overwhelmed because a lot was thrown my way and I was trying to remember it all and still am, but most importantly like I said I felt hope. Hope for my future like I never had before. Hope that I will be able to drop the weight and reach all my physical goals. Hope that I can stick to something I start and see amazing results. Hope that I can learn what I need to learn to teach my children. Matt was tough, but I need it and I look forward to our meeting on Thursday. Matt, if you are reading this, thanks for a great start.


Anonymous said...

Melissa, When i started with my trainer, I thought i was going to die. So now I am just love it! I see Holly twice a week and it is great. I have been doing this for a month and I can already see inches i have lost. I guess it is to all 150 crunches i do a session with her.
Keep up the great work and you will see GREAT results!! We will be so ready for the next tri! She has me set for 5-7 months on losing all my weight and getting toned!

Kellygurl said...

Keep up the good work Melissa! Hey it could be worse and you could have your little bro Jordan as your trainer like I do! He's kicking my butt! :)

The Daniel Family said...

good for you!!! I wish you the best of luck with your adventure to a new you. You can do this. You're an inspiration...I so need to get off my rump and get moving. Your words are exactly what I needed this AM.

Go Mom Go said...

Take each day as you can. Remember this is not only for you but for your family. I think it is wonderful that you have a coach, especially for those hard days.

You will succeed!


Duane said...

e-mail me if you want to talk! You will do this!