Sunday, January 24, 2010


I found these life instructions while googling images for the word HAPPY and realized this is soooo me. I have fun, I don't hurt, people, I no longer accept defeat, and not only am I striving to be happy I am genuinely happy.

Recently on facebook my status just read I AM HAPPY!! People were asking me what happened to make me so happy and you know what, nothing had happened. I woke up happy that day, I had a great day, and I went to bed happy. It is so hard to explain, but I am just geniunely happy now and there isn't much that can change that. As you read in my last post I had a lot happen to me on Thursday. Yes, I was frustrated for a few minutes, but you know what? I was able to turn it around in just a few minutes of reflecting on my life and my blessings and those things didn't even bother me anymore. I was happy.

My status on facebook last night read HAD A GREAT DAY. I LOVE MY HUSBAND AND MY KIDS. LIFE IS GOOD. I got an instant message that read, "So we were wondering what is behind your status? What made your day so great?" You know what, there was nothing that special about my day yesterday, but I got to go see Parker and his theater group sing a song from their show, I got to talk to him on the car ride home, I got to eat dinner (which my hubby cooked) with my whole family and sit there and laugh and tell stories. I got to look at my kids and husband all laying in bed together watching a movie and my MAC was all fixed without crashing and losing pictures of my family and friends. I was just genuinely happy and actually think I went to bed with a smile on my face, literally.

I have even noticed lately that I walk differently. I do not walk all hunched over. I walk tall, I smile at everyone I come in contact with, and I even have a bounce in my step. I never have had a bounce in my step. It's really AWESOME!!

I have a friend that had this happen to him. He would try and explain to me how happy and content he was. I really wanted that happiness and contentment in my life. He would always tell me that there was really no way to explain it, but he knew I would get there someday. I"m there and now I understand what he meant because there is really no way for me to explain it, but I wanted to try.

It feels so good to be at this place in my life. I am so happy. Does that mean I won't have those days where life is hard? Days where I will get mad at the kids or Keith? Sad or frustrated when things happen? Of course I will have those days, but those will just be a bump in my journey and I will get myself right back on the road and remember these days where I have felt so happy I could just burst at the seams.

Like I put in my status LIFE IS GOOD and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me. I pray that you may find the same happiness in your own life and when you do it will be hard to explain to others. Have a HAPPY day and Be GREAT today. This is your day.

I want to thank my friend, Benny, for always sharing his story with me. He has been my friend for years now and has always known that this day would come for me. Thanks Benny. You were right, it is hard to explain, but it is fun to try. Have a great day Benny!!


Papa Tweet said...

I am sipping coffee, reading about your journey, listening to Hazel talk while watching her grow, learn and experience the world. I am a happy and proud father. Today will be a good day, because today I am happy. Thanks for listening when no one did.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa B...It's Melissa W...well now C. Nice blog! Its very inspirational. I just recently started blogging and am trying to get the hang of it and be consistent. Have a wonderful week :)

Anonymous said...

good to see you doing so well. Iknow sometimes things get hard, they get hard enough to give up life. just remeber who you are and what you have done. I know you will succeed.hugs and kisses, keep it up